Artificial Menopause
The Three Sides of Menopause
Menopause is a natural process that will occur in all women when they reach that stage of life when they stop producing estrogen and progesterone, causing their menstrual periods to stop. This usually occurs when a woman is in her mid-life stage. There are three types of menopause that can produce a life changing occurrence in a woman's life; natural, premature and artificial.
Induced Menopause
Menopause occurs naturally when the woman is in the age bracket of 45 to 60. Once the menopause phase begins, it can last anywhere from two to six years. However, there are times when this hormonal change occurs before a woman turns 40. Artificial menopause occurs when the condition has been induced by the effects of drugs or surgery. For a woman under the age of 40, this change of life can be devastating news, especially if the woman hopes to have a child. Premature menopause can occur because of infections, tumors within the reproductive tract and a stressful lifestyle.
The Causes
One of the causes of artificial menopause is when a woman undergoes a hysterectomy, or has her ovaries removed for one reason or another. It can occur with the onset of radiation treatments performed in the pelvic region. There are certain drugs such as GnRH agonists, which are used to treat endometriosis, that can cause artificial menopause. When artificial menopause occurs because of the removal of one's ovaries, the symptoms becomes more severe because the hormonal changes in the body takes place more quickly instead of gradually over a period of time.
The Symptoms
The symptoms of one experiencing artificial menopause are no different from one experiencing the onset of natural menopause. The only difference is that the symptoms come more rapidly or instantly. Some of the symptoms that will follow artificial menopause include that of breast tenderness, hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, migraine headaches, depression, joint stiffness and pain, hair thinning, heart palpitations and osteoporosis may occur.
Treating the Symptoms
Though women can't stopped the event of menopause from occurring, you can give treatment to the symptoms when they are out of control. A dietary change may be needed. Try to eliminate caffeine. Supplement your diet with Chinese natural herbs. Reduce the amount of stress in your life, and don't forget to exercise. Once menopause has moved into a woman's life, regardless of when it begins, it cannot be reversed. You just have to find a way to live with the symptoms. When and if you think you are going through menopause because of irregular or skipping periods, or any of the above mentioned symptoms, it is best to see your doctor. See a professional to be evaluated to find out what is going on and how to treat it.