Hormonal Imbalance Information
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance include anxiety, hair loss, weight gain, dry skin, backache, hot flashes, fatigue, depression, difficulty concentrating, irritability and mood swings.
Several factors may contribute to a hormone imbalance, including menopause, hysterectomy, drugs, genetic makeup, nutritional deficiency and pregnancy.
A long-term hormone imbalance that remains uncorrected can have serious health effects, such as increased risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone drugs carry even greater health risks. Hormone replacement therapy drugs are known to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Natural Solutions
There are many safe, natural methods of balancing hormones, including phytoestrogen in soybeans, wild yams and black cohosh and other herbs. Other methods include natural progesterone cream, nutritional supplements, exercise and diet.