Symptoms Resulting From High Estrogen Levels
Anxiety and Depression
High levels of estrogen can cause or worsen anxiety and depression. It can even cause anxiety attacks. Estrogen interacts directly with the bodily system that creates stress responses, and high levels predispose women to greater anxiety and depression in general. High estrogen levels cause larger hormonal fluctuations, leading to a worsening of post menstrual symptom (PMS). This, in turn, causes stress and depression that may already exist to worsen.
Sugar Cravings and Weight Gain
Estrogen interacts with glucose, at times causing insulin levels to become higher. Being estrogen dominant pretty much guarantees that you will experience sugar cravings. Unfortunately, this can become a double-edged sword. If you gain weight from your cravings, your estrogen levels will increase even more, as fat cells are estrogen producers. This can lead to a downward spiral of weight gain. Fat cells produce so much estrogen that overweight women in menopause can produce as much or more estrogen than thin women who are pre-menopausal.
Fibroids can be caused by high levels of estrogen. Fibroids have many estrogen receptors, and will actually shrink once the bodies source of estrogen is reduced. Treatment for fibroids often involves treating high estrogen levels as well.
Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding may indicate that you have fibroids. If you suspect this is the case, consult with your doctor, as this is an easily treatable disorder.
Painful Breasts
One of the most common symptoms of high estrogen levels is fibrocystic breasts. Fibrocystic breasts are lumpy and painful, and may become more so during PMS. Often, painful, cystic breasts are associated with other symptoms of high estrogen, such as irregular periods and insulin resistance. Changing your diet can often help reduce some of the pain of fibrocystic breasts, however, finding a way to reduce high estrogen levels is key to reducing the overall problem of fibrocystic breasts.
Reducing High Estrogen Levels
One of the most effective things that you can do to reduce high estrogen levels is to lose weight, if you are overweight. Fat produces estrogen, ergo, if you do not have as much of it, you will not have as much estrogen circulating in your body.
Ask your doctor about progesterone cream , which is often prescribed for estrogen dominance, as it helps bring the overall hormonal profile into balance. How effective progesterone treatment will be varies greatly between individuals.
Avoid xenoestrogens, which are environmental estrogens found in plastics, commercially raised meats and cosmetics, among other sources. Also avoid phytoestrogens, which are plant-based estrogens found in foods such as flax seeds and soy products.
Reduce stress. Stress causes a reduction in progesterone, which causes estrogen to become even more dominant. Good ways to reduce estrogen dominance caused by stress include exercise and meditation.