What to Take for Hot Flashes?
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy helps manage hormone imbalances. Estrogen therapy is the most commonly prescribed hormone therapy. Women who have suffered from breast cancer or blood clots should not take estrogen; they can take progesterone instead.
Antidepressants--such as Effexor, Paxil, Celexa or Pristiq--taken in low doses can help relieve hot flashes. These medications may cause side effects, such as nausea and weight gain.
Women who have hot flashes at night can find relief by taking gapabentin (brand name Nuerotin), which is used in the treatment of shingles and seizures.
Clonidine is a hypertension (high blood pressure) medication that can help with hot flashes. It may cause side effects, such as drowsiness and constipation.
Mild sedatives (such as Bellergal-S) can help reduce hot flashes by diminishing the intensity of brain activity.