What to Do About Hot Flashes?
Layer your clothes, which is the best way to quickly relieve the intense heat or "blush" of a hot flash. One minute you're comfortable, then you break out in a sweat, whip off your sweater and then grow chilled as soon as the air hits your sweaty skin. Combat these frequent and annoying changes by laying your clothes to more easily adapt to changes in skin temperature. Wear loose-fitting clothing to help keep the body temperature regulated. Hot flashes might increase during seasonal weather changes, so adapt accordingly.
Hormone Therapy
Taking estrogen is another way many women combat hot flashes. Hormone therapy is often suggested for women experiencing moderate to severe hot flashes, sometimes using estrogen alone. For others, a combination of estrogen and progesterone might be recommended. Estrogen therapy isn't right for every woman, and certain medical conditions or history such as breast cancer decrease the options of benefiting from hormone replacement therapies.
Natural Remedies
Taking a variety of supplements, from black cohosh teas to soy milk, from eating tofu to extra doses (400 to 800 I.U.S.) of vitamin E have been used by women for thousands of years to deal with hot flashes. Some experts suggest eating foods rich in phytoestrogens (such as those with soy or soy products) to reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes. Black cohosh and don quai teas have been suggested for generations, as these are also rich in phytoestrogens. Stress reduction might help, as studies have shown that emotional stress will often serve to trigger hot flashes. Exercise daily, and try to find at least 15 to 30 minutes a day to "de-stress" in a quiet location.