What Are the Treatments for Overproduction of Estrogen?

Estrogen is considered the female hormone although both males and females produce it. It is produced in the adrenal glands, ovaries and fat tissues and aids in the function of female reproduction. The counter or opposing hormone of estrogen is progesterone. The increase of progesterone in the body decreases the level of estrogen and vice versa. Estrogen is a vital hormone but the overproduction of it can cause serious problems for many women.
  1. Symptoms of Overproduction of Estrogen

    • Premenopausal women can experience severe and frequent menstrual cycles as a result of the overproduction of estrogen. PMS symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, migraines and back pain are also symptoms. It can lead to more serious troubles such as breast cancer and ovarian cysts.

    Hormone Treatments

    • Birth control pills are commonly used to treat the overproduction of estrogen. The pills contain hormones, including progesterone, that trick your body into believing it is pregnant. Therefore, birth control pills also lower the levels of estrogen that the body produces. This is the most common treatment for younger women with severe and frequent periods.

      For menopausal women, hormone treatment therapy is sometimes used to lower estrogen levels. This is simply giving the woman the appropriate amount of progesterone she needs to balance the production of estrogen.

      Topical creams containing progesterone can also reduce the level of estrogen hormones.

    Treatment Through a Healthy Lifestyle

    • Low-fiber diets have been linked to high estrogen levels. Women with this problem are encouraged to increase fiber intake. Increasing aerobic activity decreases the level of estrogen produced. Consuming a diet rich in fiber and including a regular exercise regimen also helps control weight. Excess fat also triggers the production of estrogen so it is even more important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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