Natural Healing for Fibroid Tumors
Herbal Tea
Herbal tea can be brewed from a number of herbs that help to shrink fibroids, such as red clover, black cohosh, wormwood or red raspberry. To brew the herbal tea, place one heaping teaspoon of dried herb in a cup and cover it with boiling water. Allow the herbs to steep for at least 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain the herbal tea into a pitcher. Drink a cup of the herbal tea twice a day.
Iron-rich Diet
When fibroids result in heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding, you may develop anemia, a condition that is characterized by having too few red blood cells in the body. Iron is a mineral nutrient that is essential in the manufacture of these blood cells, and for preventing anemia. Diet is an excellent source of this mineral, and some of the best food sources of iron include leafy greens, red meats, shellfish, eggs and beans. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for iron is 18mg, and you can increase your daily iron intake up to 20mg a day.
Heat Application
The application of heat to the lower abdomen helps to improve blood circulation in the pelvic region, which helps to shrink the fibroids. It also helps to alleviate some of the fibroid-caused symptoms, such as dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramping). Heat application can be done using a hot water bottle or heating pad. A warm bath also has a similar beneficial effect.
Progesterone Cream
Another treatment for fibroids is natural progesterone cream. The active compound in this cream is progesterone, a steroidal hormone that is manufactured in the ovary. This hormone has the effect of correcting the hormonal imbalance that results when estrogen levels are abnormally higher than progesterone levels. Restoring the normal balance helps to shrink the fibroids.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil (EPO) is an herbal essential oil, which is extracted from seeds of the evening primrose herb. It is rich in essential fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory compounds that help to alleviate fibroid-caused inflammation. Evening primrose oil is available in capsule form from health food stores.