Natural Hormone Replacement Doctors
Our bodies make hormones, but sometimes glandular systems don't function properly, and age and other factors affect hormone production. Doctors can help by prescribing hormone medication that may help balance hormonal systems and allow glands to work better.
Natural hormones, sometimes called bioidentical hormones, are more like the ones our bodies make. Natural HRT looks and acts more like the body's hormones at a molecular level. Synthetic hormones are similar, but not as similar as natural hormones, and synthetic hormones don't act the same on a molecular level as body-produced hormones. Natural hormones are quickly becoming more popular as a primary choice in HRT.
Traditionally, women see their obstetrics and gynecologist (Ob/Gyn),or sometimes their primary care physician, to discuss hormone replacement. Not all doctors are trained in natural hormone replacement therapy, nor are they all advocates of it. But that is slowly changing.
Contrary to popular belief, your hormone consultation may be better if it is done at a different time than your annual pelvic exam, as this allows a more focused discussion on the primary issue of hormone replacement.
To find out if your doctor prescribes natural hormones, you can request an appointment for a hormone consult or ask the doctor's office staff if natural HRT is an option.
Natural Doctors
Most doctors who currently work with natural hormones treat you as a whole, not just your symptoms. This is sometimes referred to as Holistic Health Care. Doctors who use this form of health care can be MD (Medical Doctor), OD (Doctor of Osteopath), ND (Naturopathic Doctor) or a Homeopathic Doctor, according to the American Holistic Medical Association. Doctors who practice both traditional, or mainstream, medicine and alternative or natural medicine are called Complementary Medicine Doctors.
Be prepared for an appointment with a doctor who prescribes natural HRT to take a bit longer as the appointment will include more questions about diet, exercise, stress, emotional health and other lifestyle habits.
Generally all these factors are taken into consideration by the doctor and used together with natural hormone replacement.
Other Sources for Natural Hormone Therapy
Not just doctors, but compounding pharmacists as well can test for and make individualized medications, including natural hormones. Also, many of them work with doctors who use natural HRT.
According to the IACP (International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists), you can usually find a doctor or pharmacist in your area that works with natural hormones. The IACP site offers an easy search by zip code.
If you get the feeling that your doctor is not communicating with you on the same level about your choice for hormone replacement, seek a second opinion. Even though natural hormone replacement therapy has become more acceptable, some doctors still do not embrace the idea. Ultimately, you are in control of what you put in your body and should not feel bad about exploring different options.