Information on Herbal Hormone Replacement for Women
There are many symptoms associated with the menopausal stage, including hot flashes, night sweats or nausea. Each individual experiences these symptoms in different ways and in varying degrees. Most of these symptoms disappear or lessen on their own over time. For those who are severely affected, a treatment option is herbal hormone therapy, which produces an effect similar to that provided by estrogen in the body.
The most common herbs used as ingredients in herbal hormone replacement for women are ginseng and dong quai. These are particularly effective in relieving the symptoms of hot flashes among women by offsetting the lack of estrogen in the body. Other ingredients found in herbal hormone replacement are motherwort, chickweed, hawthorn berries and dandelions. These herbs should be taken with precaution because they can worsen some medical conditions if they are improperly used.
Herbal hormone replacement works by restoring hormonal balance in the woman's body. During menopause, the body experiences many changes that can lead to symptoms such as mood swings, memory loss, thinning of skin and even increase in heart rate. Taking herbal hormone replacement can lessen the severity and even eliminate these symptoms by giving the body the hormonal support it needs. It is even known to help prevent bone loss, which can happen during menopause.
Herbal hormone replacement therapy is not considered as a drug treatment and is, thus, not as strictly regulated. The formulas are labeled as supplements even though some of these herbs can be quite strong. Some of the commonly reported side effects of herbal hormone replacement for women include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some studies have also linked herbal hormone replacement therapy with an increase in the risk of cancer. To lessen the risks, taking herbal hormone replacement should be done with the consultation of a physician or a qualified herbalist.
A controversial issue that surrounds herbal hormone replacement for women is the question of its safety. Although none of the phytoestrogens are known to be particularly potent, they do have cumulative effects that can be dangerous for women. In addition to this, pesticides such as DDT, which can be found in plants, also pose a danger. However, proponents for herbal hormone replacement claim that there is no shortage of circumstantial evidence of its effectiveness.