Testosterone Supplements for Older Men
If you have low testosterone levels, your symptoms may include cognitive difficulties, memory lapses, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, reduced sperm count and fertility, increased breast size as well as psychological problems such as depression, anger and irritability. Some men have hot flashes. Prolonged and severe decreases in testosterone production can cause brittle bones, reduced muscle mass, reduced testes size and loss of body hair.
Testosterone supplements are available in gels or patches, in pill form or as injections. Gels are known generically as testosterone gel. Patches are known as testosterone transdermal systems. Injectable testosterone comes in the generic forms of testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. Testosterone undecanoate is available in pill form, but in a brand sold only in Canada, Mexico and Europe, according to the Hormone Foundation.
Benefits may include increased libido, improved erectile function, increased bone density and muscle mass, and improvements in cognitive function and psychological health. However, a United States Department of Veterans Affairs study says you should not expect cognitive improvements from testosterone supplements and does not recommend testosterone supplements for cognitive function. Also, a Dutch study found that men taking testosterone supplements had improved insulin sensitivity but no improvement in bone density or cognitive function.
Testosterone replacement therapy, or supplements, can lead to enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and possibly heart attack and stroke. Other potential risks include breathing problems, breast enlargement (which also may be a symptom of low testosterone), higher cholesterol levels, acne and male-pattern baldness. However, the six-month Dutch study found no harmful effects from testosterone supplements in men who were otherwise healthy.
The most important thing you should consider is that low testosterone can adversely affect your health and shorten your life, but testosterone supplements also carry potential risks along with their benefits. Always discuss your symptoms, remedial options and risks with your doctor. The Men's Health Network says your primary care physician can check your testosterone levels with a simple blood test, and recommends that older men add testosterone screenings to their regular medical checkups.