Effects of Somatotropin
Normal Growth
Somatotropin helps to prevent the development of dwarfism, a condition that affects young children and adolescents whose bodies do not naturally produce sufficient amounts of the hormone.
When administered in dosages that are much higher than prescribed by a health professional, the use of Somatotropin as a growth supplement can result in gigantism, or excessive growth.
The excessive use of Somatotropin by adults can result in a condition called Acromegaly, which is characterized by the abnormal thickening or growth of bones, particularly in the forehead, nose, hands and feet.
Anabolic Effect
Somatotropin has an anabolic effect on the human body, increasing muscle mass while decreasing body fat, making it popular as a bodybuilding supplement.
Athletic Enhancement
This hormone has been found to increase stamina and endurance levels in athletes, improving their athletic performance.
Masculine Characteristics
The use of Somatotropin by women can result in the development of male physical characteristics, such as facial and body hair and the deepening of the voice.