HGH Pills Vs. Injection
Human Growth Hormone Defined
When the pituitary gland, located at the base of the human brain, is working properly, an individual experiences normal childhood growth in addition to organ and tissue maintenance that is needed throughout adulthood. But when this pea-sized gland doesn't work properly, many important growth processes are affected or halted altogether.
HGH Delivery Options
Currently, only prescribed HGH injections have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the treatment of human growth issues. Pills and sprays have been promoted online, but as of 2009 have not been approved by the FDA or endorsed by most researchers in the medical community, which claim the same benefits as prescribed HGH injections. Some also claim anti-aging benefits. The Federal Trade Commission issued a consumer alert in June 2005, questioning the marketing claims of what it referred to as "imposter" non-prescription HGH drugs.
HGH Pills and FTC
In that release, the FTC stated that only HGH in prescribed injection form had been approved for use by the FDA. In addition, the FTCsaid the prescription injection form was only approved by the FDA for use as a hormone growth therapy---not as an anti-aging treatment, which is becoming the focus of some baby boomers seeking the drug in any form.
The FTC added that pills or sprays sold over-the-counter might tout HGH-like benefits, but no such claims have been made to---or approved, or supported by---the FDA.
HGH Pills
In a health article on the online website CNN.com, published in May 2007, it was stated that any claims made about the benefits of pills, sprays, or other forms of HGH---other than injections---are not valid, since HGH cannot be used successfully by the body unless it is administered via injection.
HGH Injections
Prescribed HGH injections have the ability to aid youth and adults who are suffering from abnormal human growth cessation or slowing. Such individuals can enjoy an increase in needed bone density and muscle mass, as well as organ and tissue growth. In addition, an increased capacity to perform physical exercise and the reduction of body fat has been evidenced in older adults who receive these injections.
But even though these benefits could serve to make an aging person desirous of getting HGH injections, this drug has only been approved for human growth hormone therapy needs by the FDA.