Remedy for Hot Flush
During menopause, estrogen levels drop dramatically. This rapid decrease is thought to be one of the triggers for menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats. Many food items contain natural plant estrogens, which may provide a natural form of hormone replacement therapy, reducing unpleasant side effects caused by hormone imbalance. Phytoestrogens can be found in soy products, sesame seeds, nuts, berries, oats, apples, carrots and pomegranates. However, phytoestrogens in the form of soy supplements are not recommended for women who have had breast cancer as it may interfere with the beneficial effects of the medication tamoxifen.
Herbal teas and their healing properties have been in use since humans first thought to boil water. Women in the western world commonly use sage to help ward off the effects of hot flushes by providing the body with an instant influx of compounds that imitate the effects of estrogen. To make a cup, place 4 tsps. of crushed sage leaves into a small sauce pan and cover them with 2 cups of water. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and allow the herb to simmer for five minutes. Then pour the brew through a coffee filter to remove the sage particles, pour into a cup and drink. Additional components, such as honey or ginger, can be added to the tea to make the tea more palatable.
Vitamin E
Another reliable estrogen substitute that may help to regulate hot flushes is vitamin E. As an added bonus, vitamin E is also beneficial to the skin, hair and heart. It can be found naturally in whole-grain foods, cereals, peanuts, walnuts, almonds and wheat germ. Alternatively, it is readily available in convenient capsule form at supermarkets and drugstores nationwide. Most doctors recommend a starting dosage of 400 international units, taken two times a day. While vitamin E is considered safe for use by the general public, bear in mind that it does thin the blood and can therefore cause side effects when taken in large doses. It is best to consult your primary health care provider prior to beginning a vitamin E supplement program.