Testosterone Gel Therapy for Men
Reasons for use
According to the Mayo Clinic, hypogonadism, a condition in which the body produces only very low levels of testosterone, is one reason for the use of testosterone replacement therapy. It may also be used in men who experience declining levels of testosterone as they age (with a decline in levels beginning sometime between the ages of 30 and 40).
Low testosterone levels can lead to a number of issues, including, according to the Mayo Clinic: a decrease in sexual desire and performance, losses in bone density and muscle mass, an increase in the level of body fat, and memory loss along with mood and mental health problems.
Both the Mayo Clinic and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) report that it is not clear whether there are benefits for treating men over the age of 60 who are found to have low testosterone levels. Testosterone gel (and other methods) should also not be used by men who have normal levels of testosterone; a blood test is used to check testosterone levels. Men who believe they may be experiencing low testosterone should talk with their doctors about possible treatment plans.
The use of testosterone gel therapy may lead to a number of positive effects for men with a testosterone deficiency. According to PAMF, these include an increase in sexual desire and function, improved muscle mass, strength and bone density, and the alleviation of testosterone-deficiency-related mental-health concerns. The Mayo Clinic also reports improved cognition, increased energy and a thickening of hair and skin.
Side effects
According to Drugs.com, the possible side effects of testosterone gel therapy include acne, a reaction where the gel is applied, an increase in breast size, mood swings, headache, increased blood pressure, as well as possible prostate complications. Other possible side effects of testosterone replacement therapy, according to the Mayo Clinic, include: baldness, sleep disruption, decrease in testicle size and decreased sperm production.
Time frame
All people using testosterone replacement therapy experience the effects of treatment differently. However, on average, according to PAMF, it may take between three and six months to see positive results of treatment.
Gender transition
Testosterone gel therapy and other testosterone therapies are used by persons undergoing gender transition. Female-to-male transsexuals use testosterone as a part of a broader program to develop a more masculine appearance; these men experience many of the same benefits and effects of testosterone therapy as do cis-gendered men (men born into a masculinized body) along with developing a more masculine appearance.