Bioidentical Treatment
Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy
Traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves the use of synthetic estrogen and progesterone (progestin) compounds to treat the symptoms that sometimes accompany or follow menopause, including night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and sleep disturbances. Illnesses such as premature ovarian failure can also cause decreased production of hormones, leading to a need for hormone replacement.
If you have reached menopause, or are experiencing a hormone-depleting disorder, your doctor has likely already discussed the risks and benefits involved with this treatment. Possible benefits beyond symptom relief include protection from colorectal cancer and osteoporosis. Possible risks include somewhat elevated chances of blood clots, coronary heart disease, breast cancer or stroke. Because of the seriousness of these risks, doctors typically only administer HRT for a limited period of time.
Undergoing Biodentical Treatment
The development of custom bio-identical treatment is directly related to the known risks of HRT. According to its proponents, women can avoid these potentially life-threatening complications by using blends of chemically identical replacement hormones that have been matched to their particular body chemistry. If you pursue custom bio-identical treatment, your doctor will use a saliva-based hormone test to determine your particular hormone replacement needs. From this information, she will develop a treatment program based on a specifically prescribed blend of hormones to be filled by your pharmacist. In this manner, adherents of custom bio-identicals seek to gain the benefits of HRT without the accompanying dangers.
Disputes Over Custom Bioidentical Therapy
However, established medical authorities sharply dispute the claims for custom bio-identical treatment. Both the FDA and the North American Menopause Society point to a lack of testing for prescription hormone blends. Without such testing, it is impossible to say whether or not these treatments are well-absorbed or utilized by the body, or in fact avoid the risks of HRT as is claimed. The FDA in particular disputes the assertions of increased safety from using these compounds, and labels bio-identical hormone therapy a marketing term with no specific medical application. Experts also dispute the accuracy of hormone saliva testing, noting that natural daily changes in hormone levels render such testing ineffective at best.
Approved Bio-identical Alternatives
Additionally, both the FDA and NAMS point to the current availability of bio-identical hormone products that have already undergone the FDA's testing and approval process. Examples of these compounds include the estrogen products Estrace and Climara, as well as the progesterone product Prometrium. If you wish to pursue bio-identical treatment, it may be in your best interest to learn more about these approved alternatives. Consult your doctor for a complete explanation of the available options.