Reasons for Estrogen Replacement
Conditions that merit estrogen replacement therapy include hysterectomy, menopause and pituitary disorders; the therapy is used to alleviate menopause symptoms and hysterectomy effects, and to replace estrogen in the body that is low or absent due to pituitary disorders.
Estrogen hormone replacement therapy may also be used in men who wish to change their gender identity to female.
Estrogen is a type of steroidal hormone that is naturally produced in men and women, and it is responsible for a number of physical processes.
In men, estrogen is important to bone health and plays a role in sperm development. In women, estrogen is responsible for the development of the breasts during puberty, uterine changes that regulate the menstrual cycle, vaginal lubrication and bone health.
Estrogen also plays minor roles in biologically complex cellular processes and protein formations.
There are two types of estrogen replacement therapy: estrogen therapy prescribed with hormonal progesterone therapy and estrogen-only therapy.
Women are at a higher risk of uterine cancer if they are on a hormone replacement therapy regimen that does not include estrogen and progesterone; as a result, women who have a uterus are usually prescribed estrogen replacement therapy which also includes progesterone.
Estrogen replacement therapy is prescribed in forms that include: pills, skin patches, vaginal rings and creams.
Estrogen replacement calms symptoms associated with menopause, hysterectomy and pituitary disorders such as hot flashes, mood flashes, vaginal dryness and osteoporosis.
Effects from estrogen therapies do not last once the therapy is ended.
Common side effects from estrogen therapies include mild nausea and fluid retention. Women on long-term estrogen replacement therapy have a slightly increased risk for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, heart attack, stroke and gall bladder disease.
Estrogen replacement therapies should only be used under the advice of a physician. Women must undergo a complete physical examination, including blood tests, before they may be eligible for therapy.
Women on long-term estrogen therapy must continue to have yearly physical examinations and blood tests to check for any signs of increased risks associated with this therapy.
Never use estrogen without a prescription and a physical examination, or without a physician's recommendation. Those who use estrogen in this manner have a greater chance of developing harmful side effects associated with estrogen use.