Progesterone Cream Treatment
Function of Progesterone
Progesterone prepares a woman's body for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not take place the hormone level is reduced and the menstrual cycle begins. The levels of progesterone change before and during menopause, which causes monthly periods to be inconsistent. The body has not produced progesterone when menstruation has not occurred. This can also trigger symptoms of anxiety, bloating and tenderness of the breasts. If a woman has not yet approached menopausal stages but is showing a similar pattern, she may have a hormone imbalance of progesterone and estrogen. After menopause, the ovaries no longer produce progesterone. The body continues to produce estrogen at lower levels.
Need for Treatment
As progesterone levels decrease, the body may respond with additional symptoms of sleep disturbances and changes in sex drive and thyroid function, which can be disruptive to daily living. When used regularly, progesterone cream can help alleviate these symptoms by replacing the hormone.
When applied to the skin, progesterone cream is absorbed into the bloodstream. Progesterone cream is a natural formula, which means it is bio-identical processed formula of the progesterone a woman's ovaries produce. Progesterone should not be confused with progestin, which is a synthetically produced hormone absorbed in the liver that may copy the effects of progesterone but acts differently inside the body. Clinical comparison studies suggest the profile of progesterone is much safer than progestin.
Getting The Right Formula
Progesterone cream is available through a doctor's prescription and over the counter. If you purchase it over the counter, be sure the label states USP. This lets you know the formula has been in clinical studies and meets specifications of the United States Pharmacopoeia. You can also get a prescription for progesterone cream while under the care of your doctor.
Before beginning progesterone cream treatment, consult with your physician regarding the prescription or over the counter treatment that may work best for you as well as any other medical related issues during your treatment.