How to Recover From a Testosterone Cycle
Things You'll Need
- Clomid-weak synthetic oestrogen
- HCG-hormone
Why do you must recover
Once you have taken testosterone, the body has an increased level of hormones called androgens. Because of the excess supply of androgens, the body shuts down its production of natural testosterone. When you stop taking the testosterone, androgen levels begin to fall and your natural testosterone levels will be low, causing you to lose muscle mass quickly.
The hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis, or HPTA, controls the body's production and release of hormones. The released hormones revive the testosterone production and secretion in the testes.
Once you have taken testosterone, HPTA is prohibited by androgens that shut down the body's natural testosterone production. Clomid can speed the recovery after a cycle of testosterone by reducing the inhibition of HPTA and starting the natural production of testosterone by the testes. You must administer clomid when testosterone levels are low. If administered to early, clomid will not stimulate your body's natural production, and if it's late, you will lose muscle mass quickly.
Think about timing. This is dependent on what type of testosterone has been used. If a compound or blend of testosterone is used, then more time will be needed to ensure the body's levels have fallen. Clomid should be taken for three weeks. Gradually reduce the dosage each week.
The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, inspires the growth of shrunken testes during a testosterone cycle. When taken, most of the HCG will convert into oestrogen, so it should be administered before taking clomid. HCG should be taken the last two weeks of a cycle at a dose of 500-1000 iu/ a day for two weeks.