Symptoms of Hormone Problems
Facial Hair
Facial hair is one of the most common symptoms of hormone problems. All women have facial hair, but some have it worse or darker than others if they have hormone problems. Facial hair can appear in areas including the upper lip, chin, in between the eyebrows and in the area where men have side burns. A facial hair problem is also called hirsutism.
Polycystic Ovaries
A lot of women with hormone problems have polycystic ovaries, a condition in which the ovaries are covered in cysts. This can cause infertility and even ovarian cancer. There is treatment for polycystic ovaries, which consists of medication. If you get a cyst on your ovary and don't get it treated, it can rupture and be very painful.
Lack of Ovulation
Some women with hormone problems also lack ovulation some months or every month. Lack of ovulation means you cannot get pregnant. It also means your body is not producing the estrogen and progesterone it needs in order to maintain a healthy hormone cycle. If you are not ovulating due to a hormone problem, see your doctor for treatment.
Low Sex Drive
Low sex drive can put a damper on a relationship. If you have low sex drive due to a hormonal imbalance, talk to your partner and let them know it is not your fault. Low sex drive is also called low libido and affects women more than it does men. If you are experiencing low sex drive due to hormone problems, see a doctor for treatment.
Acne is another symptom of a hormone problem. This is caused by another symptom of a hormone problem--oily skin. There are prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and home remedies for acne.