Natural Relief for Hot Flashes With Wild Yam Capsules
Natural Plant Hormone
Natural relief for hot flashes can be obtained with wild yam capsule supplements. Wild yam plants produce a plant hormone that is almost exactly the same as the female hormone called progesterone. The hormone found in the wild yam plant can be taken by women in menopause to help balance erratic hormone levels. By balancing hormone levels, many women experience fewer and less severe hot flashes. Because wild yam capsules are a natural hormone therapy, there are no serious side effects like blood clotting, heart attacks and stroke.
Side Effects and Dosage
While taking wild yam capsules for hot flashes, for the first few weeks some women may experience stomach upset like nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Stick with your natural hormone program, because eventually your body will become used to the wild yam hormonal supplement.
Wild yam capsules are made from the dried root of the wild yam plant which has been powdered and encapsulated. The recommended dosage is to take two to four capsules a day. It is also available in tincture form, take 1/2 tsp. three to five times a day.
Many different supplements made from wild yam are available at health food stores. More and more, as the benefits and ease of use is discovered, these supplements are becoming available in drug stores and mass retailers. Alternatively, for those women who have a hard time swallowing a large capsule, wild yam is available in cream form. This can easily be applied to areas of your body such as the inner thigh area, upper chest and the inner arm area.
Some women may experience relief in a few weeks while using wild yam supplements or cream. If you have severe side effects such as hives or chest pain, consult your physician.
Likewise, if using wild yam supplements does not fully address the problem of hot flashes during menopause, consult your physician for other treatment options.