Liver Detox Tea Recipe
Symptoms of an Overtaxed Liver
The liver is the major organ for detoxifying the body. However, if you're overtaxing your liver through consumption of too many fast foods or chemicals found in alcohol or caffeine, it can give you some very startling warning signals. Signs of an overtaxed liver can include headaches, allergies, PMS and bloating, emotional imbalances, carbuncles, chronic fatigue or illness and problems with your kidney production.
Function of Detoxification Tea
A liver detoxification tea can stimulate the liver to increase its function. Since the liver is the body's major cleansing organ, you cleanse your whole body by cleansing your liver. Long term benefits may include a reduction of fat and toxins in the blood and clearer skin.
Most liver detoxification teas will contain hepatics. These are herbs that target the liver. Some of them include aloe, balm, barberry, black root, celery, dandelion, fennel, golden seal, horseradish, hyssop, milk thistle, mountain grape, motherwort, prickly ash, wild indigo and yarrow. Herbs that are particularly good for liver cleansing are alteratives--herbs that cleanse the blood as well as the liver and increase the metabolism. These include dandelion, mountain grape and prickly ash.
For detoxification, brew one or more of these dried herbs together by boiling them with water. Simmer slowly for 20 minutes and then let stand for 10 minutes before drinking. For increased detoxification power, you can mix the water with other well-known blood cleansing herbs such as lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Add the cayenne pepper to taste just before drinking. Cayenne becomes more potent as it sits in food and water.