What Is Sytropin?
As the levels of HGH begin to decline in the body, symptoms of aging become apparent. These include wrinkles, a decrease in libido, weight gain, insomnia, and memory loss. To combat these common signs of aging, some people will receive injections of HGH from their physician. The manufacturer of Sytropin claims their product is all natural and aids the body in producing its own HGH. However, due to the fact that it is a new supplement on the market and is not approved by the FDA, it is difficult to determine if it poses any health risks or has any negative side effects.
Sytropin is an oral spray that is made from homeopathic HGH, growth factors, and amino acid releasers. These three ingredients work together to assist the pituitary gland in its production of HGH. According to the manufacturer, rather than acting as a replacement for HGH, it helps release HGH naturally into the body.
According to the manufacturer, the user should spray the supplement under his tongue twice in the morning, and hold it there for two minutes, giving the supplement ample time to be absorbed through the lining of the mouth. The manufacturer also recommends using Sytropin again at bedtime, this time spraying four sprays of the supplement under the tongue. The manufacturer also states that the supplement should not be swallowed.
Though Sytropin is not a steroid, the manufacturer claims it may help improve muscle mass and enhance bodybuilding performance. For those who are trying to lose weight, the manufacturer claims it may help shed fat, especially when used in combination with an exercise regimen and healthy eating plan. In addition, it may increase libido for those who lack sexual desire. However, none of these claims have been substantiated through rigorous FDA testing.
Time Frame
As with any supplement, results, if you experience any, will vary with every person. The manufacturer suggests taking the supplement for a period of three months to achieve maximum results of HGH production. There is no guarantee, however, that you will notice any benefits. The benefits the supplement cannot be verified.
Since Sytropin hasn't been approved by the FDA and it hasn't been on the market long, there is no way of knowing whether this product is safe. The long term effects of this supplement are not yet known.
Since the dangers of HGH are still in question, no one should take this supplement without first consulting a medical doctor.