Reducing Cortisol Levels Naturally
Breakfast and Sleep
Eat a breakfast that contains protein by 8 a.m. Dr. Pauline Harding, an instructor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, states in a published paper that if you go more than five hours without eating, your cortisol levels begin to rise. Protein is recommended because when you go without eating you deplete the body's reserve of glycogen, and protein will rebuild those reserves. If there is not enough glycogen to feed your brain throughout the night, your sleep will be disturbed. Inadequate sleep can lead to added stress on the body, which leads to excess cortisol, and the cycle continues.
This leads to a related tip to reduce cortisol levels, which is to make it a point to be in bed by 10 p.m. every night.
Pain and Relaxation
Find a way to control pain. Dr. Harding also points out that cortisol levels tend to be higher in those who are experiencing pain. To relieve it naturally, try a technique like deep breathing exercises.
One of the best ways to reduce cortisol levels is to find a way to manage your psychological and emotional stress. Pain and lack of sleep put one type of stress on the body, but you put another type of stress on when you fail to deal with emotional issues. Traffic jams, tough co-workers and too many activities can all lead to excess stress, which raises cortisol levels. Try different stress-relief methods and pick one that works for you. Walking, yoga, reading and meditation are just a few stress relievers to look into. For tips on meditation techniques, see Resources.