How to Reduce Gynocomastia
Things You'll Need
- Doctor Fat burning supplements Weights
If you are taking human growth hormone (HGH) or steroids, stop. In addition, some illegal drugs can contribute to the condition. Amphetamines or depressant drugs such as heroin and marijuana may increase the occurrence of male breasts.
Cut your fat intake to the recommended level for men. Healthy fat percentages are from eight to 20 percent for men under the age of 25 and 10 to 22 percent for men ages 26 to 60. After age 60, a healthy body fat level is 13 to 25 percent. Try to stay on the low end of this scale to decrease the appearance of gynecomastia. You can test your body fat at the gym or doctor's office with body fat calipers.
Lower your calorie intake to the FDA recommended levels. For men, calorie intake should range from 2,500 to 3,000 calories, unless you are extremely active. Excess calories that are not used by the body are stored as body fat. For men who are prone to gynecomastia, this fat often goes directly to breast tissue.
Have your hormone levels and thyroid tested by the doctor to ensure they are working correctly. Doctors may prescribe medications such as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) topical ointment, a gel that helps to increase testosterone levels, to treat hormone and thyroid problems. In addition, ask the doctor if medications you are currently taking may be contributing to the condition.
Take fat burning supplements such as 200 to 400 micrograms of chromium, 500 milligrams to 3 grams of l-carnitine, 5 grams of l-glutamine and 2 to 30 grams of l-arginine. You can purchase these amino acids in a health food store and take them separately or in combination form in a fat burning supplement.
Work out with weights and focus on chest exercises to increase underlying muscle. Do chest presses (incline and flat), overhead presses, push ups and pull-ups (overhand and underhand). This will contribute to musculature in the chest area and decrease the appearance of the fatty tissue associated with gynecomastia.
Consider surgery to reduce the appearance of male breasts. Surgical cost for gynecomastia is usually $2,500 to $4,000. Surgery is done with the use of general anesthesia and may require long periods of time for healing. The glands and fatty tissue are removed from the breast area during surgery and there may be some hanging skin. Plastic surgery is often necessary after the initial gynecomastia surgery.