How to Handle Menopause Depression
If you believe you have menopause depression it is not to be taken lightly. Don't listen to people who tell you you're just hormonal. While it may be true that you're hormonal, it may also be true that you're suffering from depression. Yes, fluctuating hormones can be a factor in depression; on the other hand, lifestyle can be part of the problem too.
This is why you should first try a change in lifestyle before you run to see a psychiatrist. If you don't take good care of your mind, body and spirit then you can bring depression upon yourself, so it may not be hormones. Without a doubt, the best way to find out is to eliminate bad habits one at a time.
As we age bad habits that we have had for years are much harder on us. Whereas, when we were younger the body bounced back quickly, this is no longer true at menopause age. Therefore, many times change is needed to keep a healthy body and mind.
As a result, you may find that you don't have menopause depression after all. But instead, years of abuse on your body and mind have taken their toll!
First, check your weight; are you over or under weight? Then, check your diet; are you eating healthy foods? Next, do you get enough exercise? Are you well rested? What about stress and anxiety? How much alcohol or drugs do you consume? Do you smoke? Are you a workaholic? These are the areas you need to analyze and make changes.
If you're out of balance on top of hormone imbalance what do you think is going to happen? However, if you make changes in lifestyle and are still depressed you may really have menopause depression then you move on to step 4.
Understand that when you make lifestyle changes it will take the body time to adjust, so be patient and give it a chance to work. Then if you're still feeling down and each day seems worse than the last, it's time to move forward.
The next step is to make an appointment with a psychiatrist/therapist that can get to the bottom of your depression. Most likely they will prescribe anti-depressent drugs, which you may need for a short time. However, it's always best to get off of them asap, since they all have bad side effects.
Finally, menopause depression can be caused by hormones, so have your hormones tested. As a result, hormone replacement therapy may be the answer. Keep in mind, all drugs have side effects this is why natural is better.