How to Use Vivelle-Dot
Things You'll Need
- Vivelle-Dot Calender on box Pen
Look on the lid of the Vivelle-Dot container. There is a listing of the days of the weeks. Each day has a second day that is three days later. Mark with a pen the box next to the current day. Make a note of the day listed next to it. For instance, if today is Monday, mark the box next to Monday/Thursday. These are the days you will change your Vivelle-Dot.
Determine the area where you will attach the patch. It is placed on one side of your lower abdomen, at the level of your hips. Check that this area is free of cuts, rashes, powder or makeup.
Clean the area where you will attach the Vivelle-Dot with soap and water and dry thoroughly. Moisture will prevent the dot from sticking properly to the skin.
Pull the backing off of one Vivelle-Dot and firmly place it on the cleansed area of skin. Smooth the patch down so that it is completely flat against the skin. See the tips section.
Remove the old patch three days after applying. This will be the second day listed in step 1. For instance, if you marked Monday/Thursday and put the first patch on Monday, remove it and put a new patch on your skin on Thursday. Place a new patch on the other side of the lower abdomen at the level of your hips. You will alternate the side of the lower abdomen you attach the patch to prevent irritation of the site.
Continue to replace your patches according to the schedule, alternating attachment sites, until all of your supply is exhausted.