How to Regulate Irregular Periods
Eat healthy. A diet of greasy fast foods, fad diets or the eating disorders bulimia or anorexia causes hormone levels in the body to change and result in irregular periods. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in protein and iron will help to balance the hormones and regulate periods. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, seek medical attention.
Hormones become imbalanced due to continuous stress and anxiety. Manage stress by taking walks or trying yoga or meditation. Hormones become imbalanced due to continuous stress and anxiety. Try relaxing for at least 15 minutes in the middle of your day and again at night. Eliminating or lowering stress will help to balance your hormones for more regular periods.
Exercise within reason. Hormone imbalance occurs in women who exercise vigorously. Unless you are training for an athletic event, exercise moderately so your hormones return to normal for a regular menstrual cycle.
Give up smoking. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, there are components in cigarettes that "accelerate the loss of eggs and reproductive function and may advance the time of menopause by several years." Smoking causes all types of health problems; consider quitting for a healthier menstrual cycle.
Get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night to help restore the balance to your body. Too little sleep can cause your body to become fatigued, tense and stressed which causes hormones to become imbalanced.
Try restoring your hormone balance with the herbal remedies Dong Quai or Chaste Tree. Both are available in capsule form. Always read the label first for drug interactions and side effects.
Take a hormone contraceptive or hormone supplements. Hormone contraceptives help to balance your estrogen and progesterone levels to regulate periods. Hormone supplements help to balance the hormone that your body is lacking or overproducing in order to regulate your menstrual cycle. Visit your physician to discuss which therapy might work for you.