Estrogenic Effects of Avocados
According to "The Anti-Estrogenic Diet" by Ori Hofmeckler, estrogen-producing foods like soy and dairy are associated with high rates of obesity and cancer. Hofmeckler claims that consuming anti-estrogenic foods like avocados helps the body process food more efficiently.
High levels of estrogen cause weight-gain, and although avocados are high in fat, they are known to promote weight-loss because of their ability to counteract estrogen.
Avocado oil is a common ingredient in progesterone creams that treat PMS and prostate issues. These creams help balance estrogen levels and lessen the symptoms of estrogen-related ailments.
A 2007 cancer study in Australia found that persin, a chemical in avocado leaves, can increase the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug tamoxifen.
Fun Fact
The Aztecs used avocados as a sexual stimulant. The word "avocado" derives from the Aztec word for "testicle" because of the fruit's shape and association with sexual virility.