How to Ease Pre Menopause Symptoms
Pre menopause symptoms are worse in some women than others this is mostly due to lifestyle. A woman who does not take care of herself will no doubt have a much harder time of it. So, then we see the first step to turn things around is a lifestyle change the sooner the better.
The extent of abuse on the body will determine how much she will need to change. Naturally, many people don't take to change and refuse to give up their vices. As a result, the body begins to show obvious signs and symptoms.
For example, let's say you smoke and are overweight. Then most likely a change in diet would be the easiest to tackle, since we know a smoking habit is usually very hard to give up. So it seems, it all depends on your willingness to do what needs to be done.
Most people aren't willing to give up everything and that's okay. Some things don't need to be given up just done in moderation. It's up to you to figure out which ones trigger pre menopause symptoms in you. What bothers one person may not affect another, this is true of most things in life; we're all different.
Some of the symptoms you may experience are: mood swings, hot flashes, breast tenderness, irregular periods and heavy bleeding, fatigue, vaginal dryness, decrease in sex drive, incontinence and difficulty sleeping. If you can figure out what triggers them then that's what you need to either do in moderation or cut out all together.
To ease perimenopause symptoms or get a jump on them then you should: stop smoking, decrease alcohol and caffeine, get more sleep, meditate, take vitamins, eat healthier by cutting sugar, fats, and salt, drink more water, lose weight if you're overweight and exercise on a regular basis.
Lucky for women this only lasts about four years or so then they get to go through the real menopause. The good news is that if you change your lifestyle for the better menopause will be a walk in the park.
When you're having a really hard time, however, seek medical attention and possibly get hormone therapy. This should be last resort it's always better to do it natural without drugs. If all goes well you will make it through without even one doctor visit.