What Is Symbiotropin?
The pituitary gland creates human growth hormones in the body, but by the time humans reach 40, it begins to decrease. Symbiotropin is designed to supplement this loss and prevent humans from showing aging signs. Symbiotropin works by stimulating the release of growth hormone in men and women who are aging because of a growth hormone deficiency. Symbiotropin is so effective because it begins to work as soon it is taken.
Nutraceutics recommends taking two Symbiotropin tablets per day for five consecutive days and then not taking the product for two days. It suggests that this cycle be repeated for 12 straight weeks and says there will be a dramatic physical improvement. It is also recommended that a person begin an exercise program and restrict the amount of carbohydrates in a diet.
Symbiotropin helps increase muscle size and strength, as well as help in weight loss. It does this by assisting with growth tissue, while maintaining and repairing muscles. This product has also shown to manage blood pressure and blood sugar. Another benefit of Symbiotropin is that it reverses and offsets the effects of the aging process. A study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine by Dr. Rudman confirmed the effect of human growth hormone and the anti-aging process.
Side Effects
The side effects of Symbiotropin include an increased rate of cancer growth, elevated blood pressure and increased fasting blood sugar. This product has also shown to have negative physical affects as well, including arthritis, edema and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Gender Specific
For men, it is recommended that they take Symbiotropin right before bedtime and two hours after dinner. If that's not possible, then the second-best time is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Symbiotropin taken in the morning should be followed by a protein -eavy breakfast two hours after taking the tablets. In women, human growth hormone is released during the daytime, so taking Symbiotropin during the day, two hours after a meal is suggested for optimum results.