Benefits of Prometrium
Balances Estrogen
Prometrium balances the effects of taking estrogen. It prevents the overgrowth of cells and protects the lining of the uterus, especially in women near or during their menopausal years, and thus reduces the risk of cancer in the uterus.
PMS Relief
Prometrium, as a progesterone, may provide relief from premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation.
Controls Bleeding
Prometrium may bring abnormal menstrual bleeding under control and restore bone health.
Side Effects
Side effects include dizziness, vaginal discharge, tenderness of the breast, bloating, blurred vision and mood swings.
Prometrium is not recommended for women in the cases of pregnancy, liver conditions, pulmonary embolism, vein thrombosis, a history of stroke or heart attack, breast cancer or allergies to the Prometrium ingredients, such as peanut oil.