What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Causes of Low Testosterone Levels
Low testosterone levels are often a natural part of aging. But it can also be caused by damage to the testicles, chronic illness, stress, alcohol and some medications.
Replacement Therapy Treatment
Treatment may be by intramuscular injections every 2 to 3 weeks. Testosterone patches can also be applied on the body or scrotum. Or, a testosterone gel called Androgel can be applied daily or consumed as oral tablets.
Side Effects
Side effects may include mild fluid retention, breast enlargement, oily skin and acne, increased PSA, sleep apnea and a decrease in the size of the testicles.
Normal Testosterone Limits
A doctor can test for the amount of testosterone in an individual's blood. The test is usually scheduled for early in the morning when the testosterone level is at its highest.
Testosterone replacement therapy is contraindicated for men with prostate or breast cancer. Before testosterone replacement therapy a prostate cancer screening, a rectal examination and a PSA test must be completed.