Side Effects of Micronized Natural Progesterone

Micronized Natural Progesterone is a medication alternative to synthetic progesterone treatment. It is available as a vaginal gel applied to the skin and indicated in the treatment of a variety of gynecological disorders. Micronized natural progesterone treatment is considered safe and without long-term adverse effects. However, continuing studies reveal potential side effects of drowsiness and mild sedation in some patients. Although less severe than synthetic progesterone, some side effects can result from general overuse or increased concentration of natural progesterone in the body. Possibility of some adverse reactions may result in patients with other pre-existing medical conditions.
  1. Drowsiness and Mild Sedation

    • When taken in high doses or with food that can increase rate of absorption, your body can react to high progesterone concentrations with temporary drowsiness and mild sedation.

    Pre-Existing Conditions

    • Ongoing studies indicate the possibility of toxic adverse events in women already suffering with undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, thromboembolic disorders and liver damage.

    Peanut Allergies

    • Peanut oil is used in synthesis of the natural progesterone gel. Therefore, women with any peanut allergies should not use this form of medication due to potential allergic reactions.

    Progesterone Over-exposure

    • General exposure to high dosage or inhibited absorption by other medications can result in general side effects associated with progesterone high concentration such as vaginal dryness, increased bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, unstable weight gain, drowsiness and some mood swings.

    Alternative to Synthetic Progesterone

    • Micronized natural progesterone is offered as a safer, less adverse and low-cost alternative to synthetic progesterone. However, it is best to consult your physician before beginning treatment or self-medication due to conflicts with pre-existing medical conditions.

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