How to Control Hormonal Imbalances
Make an appointment to see your general physician if you develop new symptoms out of the blue, such as fatigue, acne, weight gain, excess facial and body hair, depression or irregular periods. Request a full blood workup that will check your TSH, T3 and T4, as well as your cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and iron levels.
Take the medication your doctor prescribes. If your blood test results show you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), a hormone replacement pill like levothyroxine should be taken daily. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can be treated with anti-thyroid medication like Tapazole, or radioactive iodine taken by mouth. In extreme cases, thyroid surgery might be required.
Change your diet if you suspect you have polycystic ovarian disease, because this hormonal imbalance is often linked to insulin resistance. Opt for lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains, and avoid refined sugar. Foods like soybeans, fish high in omega 3 fatty acids (e.g. salmon) and flax seed oil can also help regulate hormones.
See a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) if you are female and your symptoms continue. An RE specializes in female hormonal imbalances and can run tests to see if your ovaries are producing the correct amount of hormones. Birth control pills are effective when trying to control symptoms like hirsutism, acne and irregular periods; but if you are trying to conceive, your doctor might put you on medication for insulin resistance like Metformin.