What Foods Make Hot Flashes Worse?
According to the University of Michigan Health Center, chocolate can trigger hot flashes because it contains chemical stimulants that may raise the body's internal thermostat.
Spicy Foods
Spicy foods, such as cayenne pepper or ginger, can make the body feel even hotter. The Association of Women for the Advancement of Research and Education recommends limiting spicy foods during menopause because they can make hot flashes feel even more unbearable.
Saturated Fats
According to the Association of Women for the Advancement of Research and Education, foods that contain saturated fats, like butter or red meat, are stimulants and can induce or make hot flashes worse.
The University of Michigan Health Center states that aged cheeses, such as feta, gruyere or parmesan, contain chemical stimulants that are thought to trigger hot flashes.
Acidic Foods
Acidic foods, such as those that contain sugar or vinegar, can cause stomach irritation or heartburn and the University of Michigan Health Center recommends avoiding foods that cause physical heat or discomfort because they can cause the brain to trigger a hot flash.