Abnormal Hair Growth
In general, abnormal hair growth is caused by hormonal imbalances that produce too much testosterone. Such imbalances can be caused by a variety of issues, including adrenal gland disorders, drugs or even genetic conditions.
Abnormal hair growths can vary in size, from a tiny mole with a small surrounding area of hair to women growing full beards.
Some people simply look upon abnormal hair growth as a personal grooming inconvenience, although it can be a symptom of serious conditions, such as Cushing's, or a side effect of medication.
Throughout history, particularly in women, abnormal hair growth has been treated with a degree of fascination. A popular example is the famous bearded women attractions at circus freak shows.
Abnormal hair growth should be treated seriously. While treating it with hair removal products may alleviate cosmetic symptoms, the hormonal imbalances that may be the true cause of it will remain and could possibly cause further damage without proper medical intervention.