Beginning Menopause Symptoms
Menopause actually defines the lack of menstruation; however, it is often associated with the effects experienced in and around the time the period ceases. It is important to note that, in one percent of young women, these symptoms can also occur well before the onset of menopause.
Some of the side effects associated with menopause include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, irritability and headaches. Any of these symptoms can present in younger women even before changes in their periods are experienced. They are also usually overlooked during medical evaluations because of age.
With modern diets moving more to unhealthy lifestyles and stress levels on the rise, some symptoms of menopause are beginning to appear in younger women. Most notably, hormonal fluctuations, which can cause irritability and emotional disturbances, are becoming very common and usually increase as menopause closes in.
Woman who have had a complete hysterectomy are going to experience menopausal symptoms. Women who had partial hysterectomies, leaving the ovaries behind, will more likely experience menopausal symptoms at around the standard age of 51.
Menopause is a natural part of the human cycle and cannot be prevented. Its symptoms, however, may be alleviated and sometimes prevented. Avoiding or lowering stress has a great affect on irritability and mood swings. Avoiding caffeine is also helpful. Wearing comfortable clothing in breathable fabrics can help with hot flashes and night sweats. Most importantly is maintaining lines of communications with health care professionals to ensure the best care and treatment.