How to Legally Increase Testosterone
Natural Approaches
Work out. A healthy body, if it's fueled with proper nutrition, will naturally boost testosterone levels in response to a consistent resistance training regimen. Of course, many who are looking for legal ways to increase testosterone are already working out and receiving the benefits, and looking to go even further. If not, however, a regular course of resistance training will naturally boost testosterone production.
Two amino acids in particular have been linked to the stimulation of natural hormone production. They can be found in common foods. Lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning it is not produced in the body, but can be obtained through consumption of beans, lentils, quinoa, spinach, red meat, parmesan cheese, codfish and eggs. The body's natural production of arginine must be supplemented through the diet, and that's best accomplished by eating foods such as oatmeal, wheat germ, nuts, seeds, dairy products, beef, poultry, and seafood.
Stimulate your mood. The connection between testosterone and mood is well established, but it's not widely known that the link works in both directions. Increased testosterone can lead to a more aggressive mood, but maintaining a highly charged mood can also signal the creation of more testosterone. Sexual arousal also triggers testosterone production.
Get your zinc. Much of the naturally produced testosterone in the body breaks down into estrogen. As little as 50 mg of zinc twice daily can dramatically reduce this metabolic pathway, making it especially effective for those looking to restore a testosterone/estrogen balance that has tipped too far toward estrogen.
Take tribulus. A traditional herbal treatment that's been used in China and India for centuries, the leaves of tribulus terrestris are supposed to help treat infertility, erectile dysfunction and low libido by boosting natural hormones such as testosterone. While its value isn't entirely verified by scientific studies, there is some positive early evidence. It has become quite popular among bodybuilders in Eastern Europe.
Drink less alcohol. There is are known effects on hormone balance caused by excess consumption of alcohol. More than two drinks daily reduces levels of zinc in the body and inhibits the removal of estrogen from the bloodstream, both of which tip the body's testosterone/estrogen balance away from testosterone.
Medical Therapies
Take oral testosterone. A doctor can prescribe oral testosterone pills that can increase levels of testosterone in relation to estrogen. This method of delivery, however, is the least effective, since most of the testosterone is captured by the liver.
Rub on some cream. Topical testosterone creams, also called transdermal systems, have been shown to be effective in boosting testosterone levels. These work by delivering chemicals similar in effect to the leutenizing hormone released by the pituitary gland that stimulates natural testosterone production. The creams are usually applied directly to the testes or vagina. Consult your doctor for a prescription.
Get a testosterone shot. The most effective method of testosterone delivery is a direct injection of 200 to 300 mg into the muscle. The shot is prepared in an oil-based fluid so it stayS in the muscle and boosts testosterone levels in the blood for about 14 days. This method of hormone therapy is dangerous and illegal without a prescription.