Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement in Women
Having to take testosterone will turn a woman into an enormously argumentative and ungrateful hairy beast. According to Phuli Cohan, M.D., in the book "The Natural Hormone Makeover," that will not happen. "Use it correctly... You will feel sexy and stronger."
The common side effects of too much testosterone without a countering estrogen regimen will have a masculine effect on a body. Hair growth on chin, thinning hair, pimples, acne and in some occurrences will resemble effects just like estrogen (breast tenderness, swelling, vaginal bleeding, and mood changes -- of the bossy kind).
The benefits of knowing the side effects helps your doctor to determine the right dosages of testosterone that are needed for you. Your heart benefits as well, as the testosterone strengthens the heart muscle.
Major considerations when deciding the right coarse of action are cancer in the breasts and blood clotting in the legs. A balancing of the hormones are needed to prevent such occurrences. For example, too much estrogen can create blood clotting in the legs and breast cancer.
The only good way to prevent unwanted side effects in testosterone replacement is to follow your doctors treatment and ask questions. Knowledge can only bring about solutions, so do not be afraid to ask your doctor about the side effects and what they could mean to you.