How to Naturally Increase Testosterone in Women

Women naturally produce testosterone but their rate of production declines in their middle years. Testosterone is essential for a healthy libido and good skin but there are side effects to introducing androgens, male hormones, into the female body, including hair loss, facial hair and a deepened voice. However, Dr. Karlis Ullis, medical director of the Sports Medincine and Anti-Aging Medical Group in Santa Monica, Ca., and a former UCLA Medical School faculty member, believes that middle-aged women can greatly benefit from the hormone testosterone. According to Dr. Ullis, testosterone is the primordial hormone for promoting a sexy body and sex life. When testosterone declines, which it does, as a woman ages, her skin dries up, her vaginal opening atrophies or becomes inflamed due to hormonal imbalance and sex can be painful. However, many women are opting to increase testosterone naturally, rather than enduring injections or wearing patches.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-estrogenic herbs
  • Natural supplements
  • Saw palmetto
  • Black cohosh
  • Maca
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      Take herbs, such as black cohosh and saw palmetto, that produce estrogen-like effects. Maca is another plant that can be taken, via capsules or powder, that has a positive impact on the endocrine and pituitary glands. It activates hormones and helps you make your own natural hormones. Keep in mind, though, that experimenting with herbs can be dangerous and contraindicated if you have certain allergies or conditions or are on medication. Consult with a naturopath and/or your physician before you begin herbal therapy.

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      Use one of two kinds of herbal supplements, including non-estrogenic herbs and phytoestrogenic herbs. According to the Vitamins Love to Know website, the non-estrogenic herbs work best to restore your hormone balance. The non-estrogenic herbs do not have the chemical structure of estrogen but do produce beneficial estrogen results by nourishing the endocrine system, which balances the hormone level.

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      Eat soy products and increase your ingestion of fiber to increase testosterone naturally. Eat cabbage, radishes, turnips, beef, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oysters, garlic, eggs and cauliflower. Try to eat some or all of these items on a regular basis to increase your testosterone level. The ideal diet for increasing testosterone is made up of high protein, moderate fat and low carbohydrates.

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      Learn that testosterone is made from cholesterol. Essential fatty acids will increase your testosterone levels. You can get these fatty acids in your system by eating avocados, canola oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, peanuts and fish. If you don't have enough of the essential fatty acids in your body, you can't produce the adequate amounts of testosterone.

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