Hormone Replacement Therapy & Menopause
Many women are bothered by hot flashes, sleep disturbances, night sweats and anxiety during menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy has been shown to help with those problems, and has also been shown to have a positive effect on osteoporosis.
Side Effects
Hormone Replacement Therapy has not been directly linked to weight gain, but many women feel they do gain weight while taking HRT. This could be due to the fact that progesterone is known as a promoter of fat storage, and estrogen can increase water weight gain.
Serious Risks
An increased risk of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer was shown in a study by the NIH-sponsored Women's Health Initiative. The study, which was done on long-term users of HRT during menopause, also showed an increase in endometrial cancer with the use of estrogen alone.
Some supplements have been useful in combating the hot flashes, anxiety and sleep problems many suffer during menopause. Sepia, belladonna, chamomilla and sulphur have been tried by women not wishing to go on Hormone Replacement Therapy.
As the body adjusts to the lack of estrogen from menopause, the symptoms will eventually disappear on their own. A woman must decide with her doctor whether it is worth the risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy and whether the use of supplements is a possibility