Hormone Replacement Treatment
What It Is
Hormone replacement treatment, also known as hormone replacement therapy or HRT, is the administration of estrogen or a combination of estrogen or progesterone.
Women who go through hormone replacement treatment are usually looking for relief of severe symptoms from menopause. These can include hot flashes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, cognitive disturbances and anxiety.
A study by the NIH-sponsored Women's Health Initiative showed an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer with long term use of hormone replacement treatment. Additional studies of HRT have not been totally conclusive.
In time, symptoms of menopause will naturally disappear without hormone replacement treatment. There are also a number of homeopathic remedies to treat the symptoms.
Hormone replacement treatment has proven useful in controlling women's symptoms and possibly protecting bones from osteoporosis. Its benefits and risks should be weighed carefully by patient and physician.