Hormone Replacement Therapy and Weight Gain
Weight Gain
The average person will gain weight with age. The hormone changes of menopause will often increase the amount of weight that a woman in this time of her life gains and how the fat in her body is distributed.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone Replacement Therapy uses estrogen or a combination of estrogen or progesterone. It is used to regulate a woman's fluctuating hormones and help relieve some of the symptoms of menopause.
Progesterone is known to promote fat storage and possibly increase appetite. Estrogen can increase water retention. It is logical that the use of either or both of these hormones would promote weight gain. However, studies have not shown significant weight gain with Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Homeopathic remedies can help with weight gain with or without Hormone Replacement Therapy for menopause. All alternative treatments should be used under a physician's care.
Hormone Replacement Treatment may or may not increase the amount of weight gained. All of its benefits and risks should be discussed between doctor and patient.