Low Estrogen Symptoms
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes and night sweats are probably the most commonly known symptoms of low estrogen. These may come and go in intervals.
Weight Gain
Pounds seem to gather around the abdomen and waist area. Weight is put on easily and more difficult to take off when the body is low in estrogen.
Bladder Control
The bladder does not seem to be able to hold as much liquid and contain it as long. Many women find that they must wear some kind of protection in order to keep from embarrassing seepage.
Hair Loss
Hair may begin thinning. More hair left behind in the shower may visible. The eyebrows might start to thin.
Facial Hair
Bristly whiskers may begin appearing on the chin, but in a more sporadic manner than is visible in a man's beard.
Dry Skin
The skin, especially on the face, arms and legs become dry and sometimes flaky.