How to Correct Hormone Imbalances
Rule out the obvious. Menopause is a major cause of hormone irregularities. So is pregnancy. Your doctor will probably want to rule these things out first to be on the safe side.
Get tested. Malfunctioning adrenal glands and thyroid glands are common sources of hormonal imbalances. Hormone imbalances can also be caused by other medical conditions like poly cystic ovarian disorder. Your doctor will know what disorders to test for based on your symptoms and her exam. Locating the cause of your hormonal imbalance is key to correcting it. Even diabetes is a form of hormonal imbalance, as insulin is a hormone.
Examine your routines. A weakened immune system can throw off your hormonal imbalance. So can not getting enough sleep. Poor diet, lack of exercise and fatigue are all things that can weaken your immune system and sabotage your fragile hormone system. Be sure to get enough rest and exercise.
Examine your diet. You body naturally produces hormones, but also processes hormones found in your food. There have been many reported cases of people having tremendous side effects from hormones in their food, ranging from constant fatigue and weight gain to early puberty. Plants products that affect it include soy. Soy contains phytoestrogens, a substance that acts like the estrogen produced by your body. Dairy and meat products can come from cows or animals that were fed hormones while they were growing. Both of these can have an effect on your hormone levels, and they could be contributing to your symptoms.
Take hormone therapies. Once a hormonal imbalance is diagnosed--and its source is identified--your doctor may prescribe a hormone therapy consisting of hormones that will either replace under produced hormones or balance out overproduced ones. This treatment is not without side effects. You will need to be monitored by your doctor and record any change in symptoms, even if you think they are unimportant. Observe things like dry skin or brittle hair. All of these things create a complete picture for your doctor to evaluate your case.
Use hormonal birth control. In some cases, hormonal birth control can regulate a woman's hormonal cycle. This solution is not always appropriate for every kind of hormonal imbalance, as it can also lead to too much of a certain hormone in your body. It is also not a viable option for women over 35 who smoke cigarettes because it can increase stroke and heart attack risk. Careful monitoring of your blood chemistry will determine if this is an option for you. It should also be noted that some hormonal imbalances can be caused by starting or stopping hormonal birth control. Your body can usually correct these imbalances over time.
Evaluate other medications you are taking for drug interactions and side effects. It could be that you are experiencing a reaction to a certain medication you are taking. If all other avenues are dead ends, try asking your doctor to change your medications to test if this helps relieve your symptoms. This can be dangerous and should only be done under a doctor's supervision.
Explore herbs. An experienced natural medicine practitioner may be able to develop a regime of herbal therapies to balance your hormonal system. Many people have found success using these methods. It can be unsafe to try this method without the advice of an experienced practitioner, as incorrect dosages of herbs can be just as dangerous as incorrect dosages of medications. Herbs are very powerful and should be used with reverence and a full understanding of how they work in the body.