Diets for Hormonal Imbalances
Hormone levels affect mood, cognitive processes, reproduction and organ function. All of these are affected by the foods you eat as well.
One of the factors that play a vital role in hormonal health is DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). This is an endogenous hormone produced by the body and is considered a building block of the reproduction process and in brain development. After the age of 30, DHEA levels begin to drop. This may be an indication of hormonal imbalance.
You can increase your DHEA levels by including fish in your diet such as salmon, tuna and mackerel three times a week. If you don't like fish, use a fish oil supplement instead.
One of the adverse affects of hormonal imbalances is impaired cognitive skills, otherwise known as brain fog.
Certain foods can aid in relieving brain fog, aside from fish. Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are all high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids improve short-term memory and cognitive reasoning. They do so because they replace the fatty acids lost due to hormonal imbalances.
Adding soy-based foods to your diet will aid in hormonal imbalances caused by low estrogen levels. Soy contains phytoestrogens. Your body accepts the soy as estrogen, helping to restore your estrogen levels.
Processed foods often contain chemical compounds that are harmful to humans over time. One of the side effects of ingesting large quantities of processed or fast foods is the exacerbation of hormonal imbalances. If you are at risk for hormonal imbalances, eating such foods may increase that risk.
Hot dogs are processed foods, as are canned meats. Packaged cookies and cakes, frozen dinners and most packaged white breads are processed foods. These contain chemicals that adversely affect hormones levels.
Avoid milk and other dairy products that are derived from animals fed antibiotics and artificial growth hormones to increase production. These chemicals are passed on in the food to you, the consumer. Ingesting artificial estrogen may cause hormonal imbalances.
Do eat whole grain breads, raw fruits and vegetables, and natural dairy products, that is, those free from hormones. Drink plenty of water and fruit juice and keep intake of caffeine and alcohol to a minimum.
While it seems that a diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables is little more than common sense, there is a correlation between diet and hormone levels.
Soy, for example, is good for those with lower estrogen levels. But it may not be the right food for those with thyroid disorder or on medication to treat low estrogen levels.
If your hormone imbalance is caused by an overabundance of DHEA, which can be found in teenagers, loading up on fish will only worsen the problem. The solution may be more emphasis placed on greens and fruit juices.
If you suspect you have a hormone imbalance, you need to understand the cause of the imbalance before you can determine which foods will help you feel better.
A healthy diet of chemical and hormone free foods is likely to benefit anyone, regardless of the status of their health. But when it comes to hormonal imbalances, the question has been raised as to whether or not environmental factors are the cause, specifically hormone infected foods.
Foods sprayed with chemical fertilizers and pesticides have an accumulation of xenoestrogens, or artificial estrogen. Ingesting xenoestrogens then throws your hormones out of balance, because your body believes your estrogen level is too high. This is a "false reading," however, and your body cannot rid itself of the fake estrogen. This results in you experiencing the symptoms of hormonal imbalances.
Are chemical sprays and hormone fed farm animals the cause of all hormonal imbalances? No. They may not even be a direct cause of hormonal imbalances, but rather a catalyst in those at risk. Either way, eating organic foods free from chemicals and hormones will help alleviate existing symptoms and reduce the risk of developing hormonal imbalances.