About Natural Progesterone Therapy
Progesterone therapy is designed to relieve the symptoms and eliminate the imbalances that cause hormonal issues like menopause, PMS and even miscarriage. Progesterone creams can be used to alleviate ill temper, mood swings and the physical manifestations of hormone changes and imbalances.
Natural progesterone therapy is generally administered in the form of a cream. As the cream is absorbed into your system, you will begin to absorb the hormone as well. Because natural progesterone is found in your system already, your body will not react to it negatively or consider it an "imposter."
Natural progesterone therapy steadies the body's normal functions. These functions may be in turmoil if you have just experienced a major change in your hormones, such as having a baby, having a miscarriage, having your menstrual cycle or going through menopause. Natural progesterone balances out your hormone levels and enables you to sleep regularly, restores your libido and minimizes the risks of many hormonal complications like blood clots, thyroid malfunction, heart disease and various types of cancer.
Progesterone has many advantages in hormone replacement therapies when compared to synthetic estrogen. Progesterone will not interfere with embryonic development, which is crucial if you are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant. It also does not interfere with your blood sugar, unlike estrogen which can actually cause diabetes.
Whenever you are considering any type of hormone replacement therapy, even natural progesterone therapy, you must work closely with your doctor to insure that you do not experience unpleasant or unhealthy side effects. While progesterone therapy is probably the least risky type of hormone therapy, you still need to evaluate the situation carefully since an imbalance of any hormone, including progesterone, can potentially do permanent cellular damage and increases your risk of many types of cancer.
Many women report that they "cannot think clearly" once they enter menopause. Historically, doctors have attributed this lack of clarity to the extreme emotional highs and lows associated with this stage of female life. However, many researchers now believe that there is a distinct association between hormone imbalance and cognitive difficulties. Natural progesterone therapy can help you focus and clear your mind as well as feel physically better.