Causes of Excess Facial Hair
Facial hair in men is a secondary sex characteristic, especially after puberty. In males, the appearance of facial hair begins between the ages of 15 to 18, although the full extent of it does not manifest until the early 20s, and sometimes even later. Facial hair in females typically occurs after menopause, though in general it does not occur to the same extent as with males.
In general, women have very little hair on their faces, aside from their eyebrows. In some cases, there can be noticeable growth of hair, but this is not necessarily due to any medical condition. On the other hand, excessive growth of facial hair is known as "hirsutism" and is often indicative of a hormonal imbalance.
There are three major diseases that can cause hirsutism. The first is Cushing's disease, which is a problem with the adrenal gland that leads to excess production of cortisol. Masculinisation can also cause this and is a condition which causes an increasingle masculine appearance in women, often caused by genetic factors. Finally, polycystic ovarian disease, is an ovarian condition that can also lead to excess facial hair.
For women with excessive facial hair, medical testing may be required. Hirsutism is caused either by an increased level of androgens (a type of hormone) or by the hair follicles becoming increasingly sensitive to androgens. In either case, a "male" pattern of hair growth emerges. Blood tests for hormones will reveal if the cause is due to excessive hormone production.
If the cause of the condition is simply overly sensitive hair follicles, basic hair removal procedures are sufficient to treat the condition. On the other hand, if the cause is due to abnormal levels of hormones, more extensive testing may be required. In particular, if the cause if the disease is overproduction of androgens from the adrenal gland, it could be due to a tumor and an MRI and CT scans are necessary, as an adrenal tumor needs to be removed as soon as possible.