How to Dose HGH
Things You'll Need
- Diluent syringe 1 mL disposable syringes Vile of HGH Alcohol swab Sharps container Diluent
Preparing the HGH solution
HGH is stored as a powder inside a vile. Diluent must be added before it can be used for injection. Remove the caps on both the liquid diluents and the powder HGH so that only the rubber stopper remains in place. Do not touch or allow the rubber stoppers to become contaminated. Wipe them both with an alcohol swab before and after use. Remove the wrapper and plastic needle guard from the syringe. Again, do not allow the needle to touch any surface other than the rubber stopper.
Hold the vile of diluent upside down. Insert the needle and draw back the plunger until exactly 1.8 ml is in the syringe. Keep the tip of the needle below the level of the liquid. If air bubbles are drawn into the syringe, add more diluent and then depress the plunger until the air bubbles are pushed out and only 1.8 ml remain. Remove the needle from the vile and set the vile aside in the upright position.
Hold the vile of the HGH upright. Insert the needle through the rubber stopper. Aim the needle against the inside wall of the vile. Slowly inject the diluent so that it runs down the inside wall. If you inject the fluid too quickly or if you direct the flow toward the powder, the HGH will foam. Once all the diluent is injected, remove the needle from the vile.
Gently roll or rotate the vile until all the HGH is dissolved into the diluents. Do not shake, as this will cause the contents to foam. The dissolved HGH must be used within 12 hours at room temperature. If it is not used right after mixing it should be kept refrigerated. If kept constantly refrigerated it can be stored in this state for up to five weeks. Never allow the solution to become heated, frozen or shaken.
Administering HGH
Typically one dose is administered at bedtime. Some patients prefer to take half a dose at night and half when they wake up. The time of day is not as important as selecting a consistent time for the daily dosage.
To administer HGH, use a 1 mL disposable syringe. Remove the syringe from the wrapper and remove the needle guard. Draw back the plunger to draw in the same amount of air as the prescribed dose.
Insert the needle into the upright vile of HGH solution. Depress the plunger to inject the air into the vile.
Slowly turn both the vile and syringe so they are upside down. With the needle below the level of the liquid, slowly draw back the plunger until reaching the prescribed dose. Remove the needle and set aside the vile in the upright position.
Cleanse the skin with an alcohol swab where the injection will be made. Carefully pinch up the skin and underlying fatty tissue. Insert the needle into the skin fold and inject the entire dose. Withdraw the needle and place pressure on the injection site for a minute to prevent bruising. Dispose of the needle in the sharps container.