How to Treat Hormone Imbalance
Things You'll Need
- Herbal medication
- Body cleansing program
Eat a balanced diet. Often times, lack of proper nutrition can result in a hormone imbalance. For example, people who suffer from an eating disorder generally develop an imbalance. However, adopting healthy eating habits typically restore hormone balance.
Take herbal medications. Prescription medications are available to help balance hormones. If you don’t want to take prescription drugs and deal with side effects, talk to your doctor or an herbalist and discuss natural remedies.
Start a body cleansing routine. Over time, harmful toxins can develop in our internal organs, which cause a hormone imbalance. The only way to quickly rid the body of toxins is to adopt a body cleansing routine. These can cleanse the bowels, liver and kidneys.
Exercise at least three times a week. Another natural way to balance hormones is to exercise. It’s best to exercise three times a week for twenty to thirty minutes. Ideal exercises include dancing, running, power walking and aerobics.
Let your body sweat. Sweating is a good way to remove toxins from the body. Daily workouts produce regular sweating. In addition, you can sit in a hot tub or sauna, or drink hot tea.
Eliminate stress. Nervousness and tension can create a hormone imbalance. Learn how to cope with life’s problems, and find ways to unwind.